Social Prescribing Link worker

Link Workers are trained professionals working alongside GPs.  They are able to help you to get the care and support you need.  A Link Worker will give you time to talk about what is important to you, and support and empower you to access the most appropriate services for your needs.  Examples of what they can help you with are:

  • money advice – benefits, debt and budgeting
  • healthy lifestyle advice and physical activity
  • education and learning
  • housing and welfare
  • access to creative activities
  • befriending
  • counselling
  • employment
  • training
  • volunteering

To access our support please contact the practice and request a call back from one of our Link workers – Hetty Beyer-Russell or Alastair Crammond.

Details of organisations that can assist with Mental Health are here.

More details on Social Prescribing are here.

Meet the team in Healthier West Wirral Primary Care Network here.

Click HERE for some information produced by Citizens Advice Wirral, Age UK Wirral and Health watch for individuals.  It contains simple key messages and links to resources that may help at this time.